STEM Day 2022 – Bridges 🌉 9.6.2022

Today was STEM Day 2022 at Applegarth. After the success of last year and the marble runs we have embraced the challenge of designing and building bridges. All year groups found out different types of bridges and about the engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the legacy of his achievements in engineering. Each year group were given a different bridge to locate and learn: Reception had a local bridge, Year 1/2 had Tower Bridge and Humber Bridge, Year 3/4 Ponte Vecchio, and Year 5/6 Golden Gate Bridge and Brooklyn Bridge.




Year 1/2

The penguins enjoyed learning about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and building bridges today.  They looked at the Humber Bridge and Tower Bridge before designing their own out of paper, straws, lollipop sticks and tape.  They worked together in small groups on their designs and then made their bridges.


Today, we researched two bridges for STEM day. We found out about Tower Bridge and Humber Bridge.

Year 3/4



Year 5/6

Year 5 and 6 were challenged to designing and building a spaghetti bridge that would span 40cm to hold as much weight as possible. The twist? To be as cost effective as possible.

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