Forest Friday 03.02.17

The children were learning more about wild birds this week. Some children went on a hunt looking for laminated photographs of birds whilst others made food using a range of birds seeds.  We also noticed changes in our wildlife area such as the snowdrops growing and the catkins on our hazel trees.


on “Forest Friday 03.02.17
4 Comments on “Forest Friday 03.02.17
  1. I’m glad they’ve spotted the Snowdrops one of our first signs of Spring. I have no doubt that this group of children will grow with watchful eyes. That in the busy times they will always stop to see these wonders and share them with others just as our team are doing here. Thank you.

  2. A Challenge for KS2 and for Mr Tudor to review…World Poetry Day!

    What is the title of this poem?
    Who wrote the poem?
    Answers on the Blog please…

    Now is the globe shrunk tight
    Round the mouse’s dulled wintering heart.
    Weasel and crow, as if moulded in brass,
    Move through an outer darkness
    Not in their right minds,
    With the other deaths. She, too, pursues her ends,
    Brutal as the stars of this month,
    Her pale head heavy as metal.

    • A lovely poem. I’m afraid to say I used the internet to find the poet (and help me interpret the poem). Without a doubt, Mr Tudor will know the answer.

  3. Let’s hope so. He is the ‘poetry expert’. Never apologise for using the internet and researching something new Mr Whiteley!

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