Science Week in Penguins and Puffins

We started off Science Week learning about the Eatwell plate and how different foods belonged to different groups. We learnt the importance of food for growth and how food gives us energy.

On the next day we studied a Scientist called Pearce Jarrett who has dyslexia and has designed his own artificial intelligent personal trainer. This led us on to comparing him with Joe Wicks.

The next two days saw us investigating the question, ‘Do all our body parts grow as we get older?’ We compared hand sizes of different aged children across the whole school (even having to invite some of the past Penguins and Puffins back to have their hands measured!) Puffins investigated leg length and Penguins investigated foot length and together we looked for patterns in our results after putting them on a scattergraph or graph and concluded that our hands, legs and feet all grow as we get older.

We finished the week creating posters around the theme ‘Growth’ for the national poster competition. I am sure you will agree that they look amazing.

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