Geologist visits KS2 during Science Week!

We were lucky to have a visit today from Paul Hildrith, a geologist, who enthralled us with the different rocks that are found in our local area. Paul told us how a three-toed footprint had been found in a delta near here; being a geologist can tell us so much about what and who lived long ago!

Paul told us that a lot of local rocks are sedimentary although igneous rocks can be found a driving distance away. 

He showed us how weathered rocks can be split or hammered open to reveal fossils or other features and answered questions such as ‘What is siltstone made from?’, ‘How do we know the difference between a rock and a mineral?’ and ‘Is it accurate to have included a Tyrannosaurus Rex in the Jurassic period?’

The children learnt so much about identifying and classifying rocks, investigating at close hand and comparing ideas with a partner, then using our ReflectEd tags to think about our learning further.

Thank you to Mrs Hughes for organising this visit during our Science week!




on “Geologist visits KS2 during Science Week!
2 Comments on “Geologist visits KS2 during Science Week!
  1. Thank you Paul. The children were so determined to listen to your knowledge and build on what they had already been learning about the fossils.

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