Races to tie laces!

Today marked the second attempt for children in Key Stage 1 to have a go at learning a new skill, this time with the help of a video demonstration. They were a lot more resilient today and are becoming increasingly aware of the  way that they learn best which is so impressive for our youngest children. For example Bella said she preferred the video to the teacher demonstration because the video was slower, but Evie said she preferred the teacher demonstration because the adult was able to repeat the teaching over and over. Esmae liked the video because it showed her a new way to try but Harry disagreed saying that this was confusing.

At the end of the session we talked about how we were feeling and the children came up with some brilliant vocabulary to describe their emotions. We reminded them that it’s ok if they are feeling a bit negative because it is a challenge but they WILL get there if they just keep being resilient.

Absolutely brilliant discussions, well done everyone!

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