
This week, Applegarth have started their ReflectED lessons.

These lessons develop everyone’s skills to better review their learning. Educational research indicates that developing these skills (metacognition) has a great impact on children’s progress.

Ask your child about the colours red, yellow, green and blue.



on “ReflectED
3 Comments on “ReflectED
  1. The children seemed to pick up the idea well in this lesson and I know some have already shared with their parents the fact that when learning new skills they are just not able to do it …yet! RED

  2. The Reception children have started to look at this through playing simple games. We looked at pictures such as, riding a bike, mountain climbing, writing and swimming and the children had to reflect on what colour they would be and why. They spoke to their talking partners and then shared with the class. Even some of the staff was Red at some things however, we can not do it YET!

    We will be learning to love our mistakes and become better learners together!!

  3. Thank you Miss Miller. It is great to learn how the Reception children are also beginning these early reflection skills but are also given the opportunity to compare and contrast their emotions about between the different activities and how these can differ between different people. These are also very important skills to learn that cross so many curriculum areas such as Science and Maths.

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